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爱德美新品预告(13539)-1/35 德国猎豹G10反坦克歼击车

发表于 2022-7-12 20:17:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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爱德美新品预告(13539)-1/35 德国猎豹G10反坦克歼击车试模
The Academy presented its new mold Yakt Panther at the 2022 Harvey Fair. We will introduce you to the almost final injection of the product.

The Academy is steadily launching a 1/35 German tank lineup, and the Yakt Panther, which has been rumored for quite some time, is finally coming soon. The kit uses most of the existing Panther G apocalyptic parts and adds the upper part of the body and the extra parts of the suit. Of course, nicknames and decals are also available.

Announced this time is the initial G1 with Minja Mandel. It seems likely that the G2 will also be released in the future.

The upper part of the body is newly built in one piece. The details of the early mint mandel and the engine deck are well visible.

The G part added for the Yakt Panther.

Above the battle room, the academy down is a neat mold.

The kit can reproduce two gun formats. All-in-one gun injection now seems to be the norm in all manufacturers. It was also a memory of attaching a two-fold piece of artillery and sanding it and becoming a changu.

The gun mandeldo is also two, and the front ball mount machine gun mandeldo is also two choices. The gun mandel has a slight casting texture to the expression.

The front ball mount machine gun mandel also has a casting texture, but it's not at a satisfactory level. However, in the case of the G1, when the chimerit is applied, most of it, including this part, does not appear to be covered by the chimerit.

Mufflers and OVMs also show more detail than in the past. Expressing OVM clamps to some extent is a trend in kits these days, and the Academy is also expressing this well.

The rest of the parts still contain the existing Panther G-type parts.

Steel wheels are unnecessary parts.

The most frustrating part of this kit is the tracks. It can be said that it is somewhat out of the trend these days. In the future development of the tram, we hope to follow the trend nowadays and improve the user-friendliness.

The quality of the basic nickname is quite good. The mash representation is natural and close to the real thing.

Nowadays, the quality of the Academy decals has improved considerably. If the softener is used appropriately and finished with a clear, the transparent part is thin enough that it is almost invisible, and the adhesion is good.'

Above, we took a look at the Academy's new product, the Yakt Panther G1.

In fact, this type of yakt panther has a chimerit coating. It has a distinctive checkerboard pattern of chimerit, which I wish I could reproduce in decals, which was included in the planning phase but not finally included due to unit price issues. However, at a lower price, simultaneous release is scheduled by domestic manufacturers.

The product is scheduled for release in August and September 2022 and has a consumer price of KRW 35,000.
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