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Azur-frrom新品预告-1/72 马丁 B10 Model139系列轰炸机板件试模与涂装更新

发表于 2020-4-25 19:18:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Martin B10, first wing (WH-2, WAA, WC, WAN), tests
Clear Parts, Martin B10 (tests)

FR0042_I1817p.jpg FR0042_I1829p.jpg FR0042_I1830p.jpg FR0042_I1831p.jpg FR0042_I1383p.jpg FR0042_I1384p.jpg FR0042_l1385.jpg FR0042_l1386.jpg FR0042_l1387.jpg FR0042_l1388.jpg FR0042_l1389.jpg

 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-15 19:15:06 | 显示全部楼层
Azur-Frrom新品预告-1/72 格伦 马丁 B-10 大刀更新
Azur serie FRROM has sent Preview images and information on their forthcoming 1/72 scale Martin B-10 / B-12 releases.
Boxings will be:
FR0042 B-10 Export WH-2/WAA  (ML-KNIL, Netherlands East Indies, and Argentine Army)
FR0043 B-10 Export WC/WAN (China and Argentine Navy)
FR0044 B-10B in US Service
The Argentine Army and Argentine Navy are fitted with a different engine. The engine nacelle goes lower on the wing for the secong kit (so you should not switch the models).
FR0042 and FR0043 should be available in Prague at end of May, the third box will have to wait one month later.

Camouflages FR0042 first box  :
Martin 139 WH-2 in service with ML-KNIL (Netherland East Indies, 1941/1942) at beginning of WWII in Pacific theater, M-520 probably
Martin 139 WAA, Argentine Army, probably  B-504 in 1944, standard nose.
Martin 139 WAA, Argentine Army, with long nose, one of two such modified, B-510 or B-511

Camouflages FR0043 second box :
Martin 139 WHC in service with China, in 1937,  probably 1403 with 14 th Volunteer Sqn (Please have a look at kit  FR0034 Gamma 2E Bomber in China).  There were no Martin who raided Kogoshima (it was only a project). Drawing 9
Martin 139 WAN, Argentine Navy, probably 2-B-3, February 1939.

Camouflages FR0044 B-10B third box :
Martin 139 B-10B in service with Philippine Air Force in Philippines, December 1941, in US markings (28 th Bomber Sqn). Unfortunately there are no evidences of B10B  painted with the Diamond. Maybe 57 or 59, TBC
Martin 139 B-10B, 25 th Bomber Sqn, Hawaï 1940
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-6-21 19:15:54 | 显示全部楼层
Azur-Frrom新品预告-1/72 格伦 马丁 B-10 大刀板件试模更新
We tested the first form of small parts for the 72-inch B-10 bomber. We are preparing this type to order Azur/Frrom. The mold is metallic. Although it still has minor defects and sprays, after the upcoming tuning will certainly be without errors.
Otestovali jsme první formu drobných dílů pro dvaasedmdesátinový B-10 bomber. Tento typ chystáme na objednávku Azur/Frrom. Forma je kovová. I když má ještě drobné vady a zástřiky, po chystaném odladění bude určitě bez chyb.
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-8-27 19:28:27 | 显示全部楼层
AZUR-FRROM新品(100-FR0043)-1/72 马丁 B-10出口中华民国/阿根廷
https://www.specialhobby.eu/en/b ... =1&redirected=1
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-9-19 18:44:14 | 显示全部楼层
AZUR-FRROM新品(FR0042)-1/72 马丁 B-10出口阿根廷/荷兰

https://www.specialhobby.eu/en/o ... wh-2-waa.html?cur=1
DEA03BAE-428B-4021-835A-4DDB093579BA_fr0042_b-10.jpg img_4734_result_z2.jpg img_4736_result_z3.jpg img_4737_result_z4.jpg img_4738_result_z5.jpg img_4739_result_z6.jpg img_4740_result_z7.jpg

发表于 2020-9-20 14:10:11 | 显示全部楼层
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