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牛魔王新品预告-1/48 霍克 暴风Mk.II建模

发表于 2020-4-5 12:02:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Tempest Mk.II project follows the previous Tempest release, Mk.V. There is new fuselage and wing, and some small parts. Most small parts are shared with Mk.V kit. We are going to release two kit versions, F Mk.2 and FB Mk.2. The differences between F Mk.2 and FB Mk.2 are just marginal.
[A] This the nose of F Mk.2. Note the watter bottles behind the head armor in the cockpit are not relevant for F Mk.2, také this picture as a illustration only.
[B] This is the FB Mk.2 nose, with the cooling grid behind the top engine cowling. The watter bottles in the cockpit are correct for this version.
[C] Details of the landing gear, you can also see the typical air intakes in the leading edge of the wings.
[D] Some design details were changes, for example the separation of the wing halves. The connection between top and bottom halves is moved to the trailing edge of the wing and it is expected, that the separation line will be much finer now thanks to advanced molding technology.
[E] Also the windshield positioning was changed and we expect this solution will make no more problems comparing with the orriginal solution used in Mk.V kit.
[F] Next major significant change is seen on the control surfaces. The ailerons as well as the horrizontal rudder are now splited to two parts, to protect the parts against the sink marks known from the Mk.V kits.
Tempest Mk.2 is prepared in cooperation with Special Hobby. Therefore the kit will be released first in SH boxing, in their Hi Tech line. We will follow them some three months latter with two Profipack boxings, Tempest FB Mk.2 first and then Tempest F Mk.2
发表于 2020-10-29 16:59:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 kwcha333 于 2021-6-15 14:40 编辑

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