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SH新品预告-1/72 德哈维兰 DH.98 蚊式家族

发表于 2021-2-17 21:07:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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SH新品预告-1/72 德哈维兰 DH.98 蚊式家族建模

Special Hobby team have been preparing  completely new 1/72 Double Stage Mosquito versions for almost two years now. This fact is well known here among Czech model making companies. The Mosquito project is really very complex one, we have been using measurements taken on a real Mosquito at the Brusells Air Museum. The project design has been prepared using our 3D CAD system and the kit parts will be injected into steel moulds in quality levels common for our latest efforts as were the Mirage F.1, Gnat, Fouga Magister or V2 kits.

It's no secret that we're preparing a Merlin-powered Mosquita with two-stage compressors. We've been fine-tuning the details for some versions. From this tuning are work outputs, including images. I have decided to share these pictures with you, although working.
M-B9-16-prt.png M-NF15-prt2.png M-NF15-prt.png M-NF30-36-prt.png M-B9-16-w.jpg M-NF15-w.jpg M-NF30-36-w.jpg M1-001.jpg M2-001.jpg M3-001.jpg

 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 21:12:13 | 显示全部楼层
M4-001.jpg M6-001.jpg M6-002.jpg M7-001.jpg M8-001.jpg M8-002.jpg M9-001.jpg M9-002.jpg M10-001.jpg M11-001.jpg
 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 21:16:21 | 显示全部楼层
M12-001.jpg M12-002.jpg M15-001.jpg M15-002.jpg M15-003.jpg M15-004.jpg M15-005.jpg M15-006.jpg
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