
楼主 |
发表于 2021-3-14 14:41:44
In the meantime, academy kits are made up of armed parts centered around a full-sized real-world weapon, compared to the B-52H models of other overseas manufacturers focusing on cruise missile-focused militants that are not well used in real-world use.
Antennas are often omitted because they are very small at 1/144, but in this product they are molded together and meticulously reproduced after forming a base that is parted or supported separately.
The militants will be able to select and assemble a 2,000-pound GBU-31 (V) and a 500-pound GBU-38 (V) on the Juik Pylon, centered on the latest JDAM-affiliated militants, such as the afghanstan/iraqi pre-symbol.
The internal bomb window is equipped with the M117 750-pound bomb for general bombing, the flagship bomb of the B-52 series from the Vietnam War.
The B-52H's unique TF33 engine and engine pylons also have the details to overwhelm other products. To reproduce the details of the engine, we see a lot of effort, such as doing before and after partitioning rather than the usual top and down division.
As the kit reproduces the latest B-52H, the markings on the decals included in the kit also reproduce the latest gases.
The "Memphis BellIV" of serial number 60-0001, which also appears in box art, is the fourth aircraft to be named after the B-17F Flying Fortress "Memphis Bell", an ultra-famous aircraft from World War II, and is still in flight as of March 2021. The only B-52H kit that can reproduce all other aircraft flying with the F-35A in time with the latest markings is the Academy.
Consumers of this product will be 28,000 won, and the domestic release will be in May 2021.
爱德美新品预告(12622)-1/144 波音B-52H“同温层堡垒”美国空军作品
http://mmzone.co.kr/album/showca ... rymain&id=53626