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Sabrekits新品预告-1/72 亨舍尔 Hs.126封绘试模

发表于 2021-1-12 15:06:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Sabrekits' great first six months. The first model ready for production on August 20, will be released on April 21. The second, the Piper J-3, actually just a cubicle, was supposed to be on November 20, will not be until February 21 at the earliest. And the last pebble. Our henschel Hs 126 trump card from a really beautiful little one will be the only one on time on January 21, but in order not to have it so easy we will meet the novelty of the competition! On top of that, the competition with which we have good relations and which I have no doubt that if they knew about our plan, they would not go for it. If we still had information in November that another Hs 126 was coming, we stopped it too. Now we're going to hurt each other without wanting to. It's a toll on all the crazy fighting that's going on here. Everyone's hiding their programs. It takes a lot of nerve to work in this business.
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-3-28 15:18:20 | 显示全部楼层
Sabrekits新品预告-1/72 亨舍尔 Hs.126 5款封绘涂装板件试模- ref. SBK7009 - Henschel Hs.126 "In Spain"
- ref. SBK7010 - Henschel Hs.126 "Blitzkrieg"
- ref. SBK7011 - Henschel Hs.126 "Eastern front"
- ref. SBK7012 - Henschel Hs.126 "In Africa"
- ref. SBK7013 - Henschel Hs.126 "International"
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-24 20:22:37 | 显示全部楼层
Sabrekits新品-1/72 亨舍尔 Hs.126 5款上市
- ref. SBK7009 - Henschel Hs.126 "In Spain"
- ref. SBK7010 - Henschel Hs.126 "Blitzkrieg"
- ref. SBK7011 - Henschel Hs.126 "Eastern front"
- ref. SBK7012 - Henschel Hs.126 "In Africa"
- ref. SBK7013 - Henschel Hs.126 "International"
Hs-126A-Spain-titul(1).jpg 20210329-104829(1).jpg 151500c3rd1eddh31dfr2d.jpg 20210329-104819(1).jpg Hs-126B-Afrika-titul(1).jpg 20210329-104848(1).jpg HS-126B-titul(1).jpg 20210329-104805(1).jpg Hs-126BK-Inter-titul(1).jpg 20210329-104840(1).jpg 20210327-142445(9).jpg 20210327-142548(9).jpg
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