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CSM新品预告(CSM35008)-1/35 德国Pz.Sp.Wg. 1ZM (i)装甲车

发表于 2021-7-6 20:25:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Greetings, Folks,

First of all, about Russo Balt pre-orders, kits should be packed and shipped on Monday 05 JUL.

After that, we are planning to open a pre-order on our next 35008 model.
Boxart for our 35008 German Pz.Sp.Wg. 1ZM (i) is finally ready, thanks to Antonis Karydis.

We are planning to offer markings from a period 1935 till 1944, so it will be both Italian and German markings.

Few words from Antonio Tallillo about markings

"Decals for a new 1.35 kit

1  – 'Automotoblindo' Composite Btn, 2 st Platoon HQ, Ethiopia 1936

       Grey-green, faded, with the regular white old type of markings, on three locations of the turret

2   - “Raggruppamento Carrista” (Tank Group) – Spain last half of 1938

       A unique camouflage spotted only in this late campaign, yellow ochre with black or dark brown borders on the grey-green background colour

3  - CCCXII Mixed Btn,  Rhodes Island, around 1939

       Grey-green fresh repainted, with new marking (white rectangles with a small red or black 4 ) on three locations of the turret. On the hull sides, white unit old title in Italy REGGto CARRI ARMATI, and on the hull bottom the white tech indications about bridges TARA q. 36 (upper row) and PORTATA q. -8 (bottom row)

4  – Unknown unit – Balkans 1943   

       Last camouflage rules for grey-green vehicles, with medium green broad stripes added to the background grey-green colour - no markings visible

5  – ‘Marche’ Infantry Division – Ragusa (now Dubrovnik) –September 1943

     Another application of the new 1943 camouflage rules, with the kaki-sand yellow on the old grey-green base. The remains of an old red rectangle marking are still visible on the front turret. The number plate was probably RE 42 B

6   – CCCXII Mixed Btn – Samo Island – September 1943

      Grey-green, with rectangle markings on three locations on a turret. The hull side old unit’s title was obliterated by some grey-green or grey colour. The number plate of another Lancia of this section was RE 18 B

7   – ‘Bozen’ Police Btn – North-East Italy 1944

German camouflage ‘1943’ with green stripes sprayed on the dark yellow background colour, but without German national insignia or other German markings. "
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-20 20:22:34 | 显示全部楼层
CSM新品预告(CSM35008)-1/35 德国Pz.Sp.Wg. 1ZM (i)装甲车板件
Today we are opening a pre-order on our next kit - 35008 German Pz.Sp.Wg. 1ZM (i). The production should be over in a week or so and few weeks to deliver the plastic to Riga, so we are expecting the kits to be packed and ready for shipping no later than the end of AUG 2021. With this pre-order, we are adding our famous 1ZM album with history and photos of 1ZM service (and we may be able to add some new photos about 1zm in the WW2 period).
Stay tuned for more info about profiles and the decals.
In the kit, you will have
Transparent parts for headlights
Rubber wheels
Engine and interior included
Cartograf printed decals
Instruction in colour  38欧
https://www.copperstatemodels.co ... mSAjnsOftsR0EKlZqrg
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-10-5 15:03:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 爱神之心Mk.II 于 2021-10-5 15:15 编辑

CSM新品(CSM35008)-1/35 德国Pz.Sp.Wg. 1ZM (i)装甲车涂装
Profiles for our upcoming 35008 German Pz.Sp.Wg. 1ZM (i) plastic kit, that we are about to receive from China.
If all goes well, we should have all by this Friday and send all of the pre-orders next week
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CSM新品(CSM35008)-1/35 德国Pz.Sp.Wg. 1ZM (i)装甲车上市
Finally, after a long wait, our 35008 kit arrived and we are packing the pre-orders. Planning to send all this Friday! Thank you all for your support! You are the best, guys)
p.s. Regular 35008 kits will be available a bit later.

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