本帖最后由 爱神之心Mk.II 于 2021-4-17 18:40 编辑
长城新品预告(L4824)-1/48 苏霍伊 苏-27"侧卫B"重型歼击机试模涂装更新
Hi guys So here is the world's first post of upcoming GWH 1/48 Su-27 "Flanker B" kit test shot. I received it last weekend but finally found some time to take photos of the set. As I have emphasized many times: the design concept of this kit, is to take the best balance between good details/accuracy and user friendly. We hope you can enjoy not only the final result, but also the building process of it! Please refer to the photos and comments I added, and hope you will enjoy it. Have a nice weekend! Test shot of GWH Great Wall Hobby L4824 1/48 Su-27 "Flanker B" heavy fighter model kit Release date: May 2021 in China domestic market