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Arma Hobby新品预告(40001)-1/48 波兰国家航空公司 P.11c战斗机专家版

发表于 2020-12-16 17:54:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 爱神之心Mk.II 于 2020-12-17 19:40 编辑

The first Arma Hobby model in 1/48 scale
Posted by Wojtek Bułhak
The long-awaited surprise model at the end of 2020 is the PZL P.11c in 1/48 scale. This little plane is a big step in the development of Arma Hobby. While designing it, we tried to meet the expectations that you expressed on forums, in social media and emails sent to us.

What for the first kit in 1/48 scale?
We listen carefully to the opinions of modellers, and from the many aircraft proposals that you would like to find in the Arma Hobby offer, the topic of 1/48 scale and a return to Polish topics was continually appearing. In this model, we combined as much as possible the requests of the modellers from Poland and from abroad. The first step on a large scale is a challenge. The details look different in that scale, the larger area and volume of the model requires rethinking the technical requirements and taking into account other limitations of the technology. The P.11c model was perfect for testing the new scale. It is an introduction to the Hurricane Mk IIc in 1/48, which is already in preparation in the tool shop.

We have planned the 1/48 scale P.11c model as a surprise release for October 2020. Unfortunately, the conditions in which we live now did not allow it. We focus on quality and the multiple quarantine breaks of employees in Arma Hobby and in the tool workshop delayed our plans. The model will be available for delivery in January (we still hope to make it before the end of the year) and we are accepting preorder starting today!
In pre-sale, in addition to the model, you will get a box-art print (painted by Piotr Forkasiewicz) in A4 format and a printable voucher by email, useful if you order the model as a gift. You can give it in an envelope as a Christmas present.

What will be included in the box?
One sizeable grey plastic sprue and a clear windscreen. Big size decal 18×13 cm size with four excellent colours schemes of the aeroplane. Photo-etched parts as well as the masks for the windscreen. See more details
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-16 18:01:01 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 爱神之心Mk.II 于 2020-12-16 18:08 编辑

Preorder 40001 PZL P.11c Expert Set 1/48
Arma Hobby releases 1/48 scale kit! The first is, an obvious choice for Polish company, the  PZL P.11c. Fighter aeroplane that was "First to Fight" in September 1939.
  • Taking preorders, kit will be rady for delivery in January 2021.
P.11c Expert Set 1/48 - kit with accessories:
  • Plastic parts - new tooling, metal moulds
  • Techmod decals - high quality markings with four colour variants.
  • Photo-etched parts
  • Windscreen and wheel masks
  • Box Art Poster A4 size - free on preorder
Colour variants:
  • PZL P.11c, No. 8.139/478-N, tactical No 4,  Ltn. Tadeusz Sawicz, 114 Fighter Squadron, September 1939 (2 aerial victories). Ltn. Aleksander Gabszewicz scored first aerial victory in defense of Warsaw when flying this aeroplane on 1st September 1939. Bonus: Light Khaki camouflage, White 78-N and red stencils for aeroplane before repainting – in Spring 1939
  • PZL P.11c, No. 8.144/666-N, tactical No 2, Ltn. Wacław Łapkowski, 114 Fighter Squadron, September 1939 (1 and 1/3  aerial victories).
  • PZL P.11c, No. 8.138/62-W, tactical No 3. Aeroplane painted with experimental camouflage and send as replacement to Pursuit Brigade, Septmeber 1939.
  • PZL P.11c, No. 8.139, tactical No 323, Ltn., Sawicz’s aeroplane after evacuation to Romania. Used in, Şcoala de Ofiţeri de Aviaţie (Aviation Officer School) in Călăraşi 1942–1943.

In the following days, we will start publishing historical articles about aeroplanes included in the kit on our blog. The authors are: Marek Rogusz, Wojtek Matusiak and Grzegorz Mazurowski, well know aeroplane history researchers. We will also show you model details and accessories. We will carefully photograph and publish photos of the test shots as soon as they are available.
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-16 18:06:25 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-17 19:41:31 | 显示全部楼层
Arma Hobby新品预告(40001)-1/48 波兰国家航空公司 P.11c战斗机专家版说明书
Today we have a pleasure to present istruction from P.11c 1/48 scale kit. It was printed in big size A4. See all pages and share your thoughts or ask question in comments below post.
波兰语Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze 缩写PZL
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-25 18:41:59 | 显示全部楼层
Arma Hobby新品预告(40001)-1/48 波兰国家航空公司 P.11c战斗机专家版板件by Wojtek Bułhak,Arma Hobby kits, Blog
PZL P.11c will be available to modellers soon, most probably we will start shipping next week. Today we present the contents of the model box. So let’s check what’s inside!

In-box P.11c in 1/48 scaleThe first difference that will immediately catch your eye is the box’s size, clear when compared to the packaging of the 1/72 model. The second is its sturdiness. As you asked many times, the package is robust thanks to the matching cardboard insert like a drawer. It will hide the parts of the model during assembly, and it will be convenient to store them there
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In the model, we took care of the correct shape, good surface and interior detailing. Corrugated sheet and attachment stripes on the wings, latches and larger rivets were reproduced as the model’s scale allowed. The model has a very rich cockpit interior, decals, photoetched parts and pre-cut masks for the windscreen and wheels. Wheels with a slight deflection of the tire will assembly be in the right position. We left to the modellers to add wires for installation in the interior of the cabin and tension stripes for the chassis legs.
Please accept my apologies for some photos quality. It wasn’t my day when talking about making photos of kit parts.
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-25 18:43:18 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-25 18:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-5-9 19:54:41 | 显示全部楼层
Arma Hobby新品预告(40002)-1/48 PZL P.11c战斗机
5月底上市,24欧  https://www.armahobby.com/40002-pzl-p-11c-model-kit-1-48.html
PZL P.11c fighter aeroplane kit 1/48 scale, set contents:
plastic parts (new tool 2021)
Decals byTechmod with two colour schemes
photoetched fret with seatbelts, gunsight and bomb racks
Markings options
PZL P.11c, 131. Fighter Squadron from Poznań, in 1939 in &#8222oznań” Army. After encirclement by the Germans on 17th September 2nd Lt. Henryk Bibrowicz (2 victories) and 2nd Lt.  Lech Grzybowski (2 victories) flew this airplane to Małaszewicze airbase and left there. After the war outbreak squadron marking on the fuselage and national markings on the wing upper surface overpainted with camouflage colour.
PZL P.11c, 122. Fighter Squadron from Cracow, in 1939 in „Kraków” Army. Flown by Cadet Władysław Chciuk (2 victories), damaged in combat on 1st September and left in Bielsko-Aleksandrowice airbase. After the war outbreak squadron marking, „8” number on the fuselage and national markings on the rudder and on the wing upper surface were overpainted with camouflage colour.
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