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爱德美新品预告-科学忍者队 G-5 神不死鸟号板件试模

发表于 2020-10-2 10:41:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 爱神之心Mk.II 于 2020-10-2 11:08 编辑

Academy Eagle Sibling Godphoenix G5 (Phoenix)
The Academy presents the Newnro (New + Retro) brand, which evokes memories and nostalgia from the past, and the third product, the G5 (Phoenix), the commander of season 1 of the TV anime Eagle Brothers, which was popular in Korea in the '80s. We know that we have already received news of the release of this product through the manufacturer's events. MMZ will introduce the prototype of this product.

It is said to have been built with the latest technology, such as a design that has been reinterpreted with a modern feel and 100% snap assembly, while faithfully following the original manga settings. In particular, the design of this aircraft was carried out by Cho Pyeong-rae, who has worked with the Japan Sentinel and a number of works, and reinterpreted the original design, as opposed to the slightly toy-like previous work.

It is about 31 cm in size when completed and is made of bird missile reproduction, built-in vehicle, main wing angle adjustment, LED unit and MCP.

This product will be released as Multi Color Parts (MCP), but all of the prototypes are injected in gray. As a prototype, it is clear in advance that some parts may be lost or deformed, and that there may be parts that are different from mass production.

The release date and price of this product is undecided. It's probably coming out this year.
MMZ20200917171158_2_0.jpg MMZ20200917171158_2_2.jpg
It's like looking at a scale airplane model, because it's a prototype of a gray shot. Overall, it would be better if the moltoses and details were injected into the primary color later on at a level level.

MMZ20200917171158_2_3.jpg MMZ20200917171158_2_4.jpg MMZ20200917171158_2_5.jpg MMZ20200917171158_2_6.jpg MMZ20200917171158_2_1.jpg
This runner is going to be injected into the transparent. I guess it's an orange transparent injection. The phoenix is very nice.

MMZ20200917171158_2_7.jpg MMZ20200917171159_2_8.jpg MMZ20200917171159_2_9.jpg MMZ20200917171159_2_10.jpg MMZ20200917171159_2_11.jpg MMZ20200917171159_2_12.jpg MMZ20200917171159_2_13.jpg MMZ20200917171159_2_14.jpg
The part that uses the slide mold to increase assemblyability.

The kit can be reproduced in a bonded state from G1 to G4.

http://mmzone.co.kr/mms_tool/mt_ ... z_media&no=6006

 楼主| 发表于 2020-10-5 17:09:06 | 显示全部楼层
爱德美新品预告-科学忍者队 G-5 神不死鸟号封绘

 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-18 18:34:28 | 显示全部楼层
爱德美新品(15791&15792)-《科学小飞侠》 G-5 神不死鸟号 限定版/普通版海报
引用XiaoT模型空间站 论坛内的文字
推出过多款军事系列模型的韩国厂商「ACADEMY」在去年推出过「龙之子」所制作的经典动画《科学小飞侠》(科学忍者队ガッチャマン)里面的招牌载具「新凤凰号」(ニューゴッドフェニックス)之组装模型之后,接着将于 2020 年 12 月,推出该机体的前代,也就是大家熟悉的一代凤凰号(ゴッドフェニックス)之组装模型商品。

这款由韩国 ACADEMY 所推出的凤凰号组装模型,虽然没有采用分色(全部单色,需自行上色),不过有附已分色的火鸟功特效零件,也有贴纸与水贴,零件部分可以自行选择是要普通版,还是选择呈现收纳小飞侠们载具的状态。另外本商品还有推出特别限量版,内容除了模型之外,还包含可以内崁在机体里面的 LED 发光部件、五位小飞侠的合体立牌,以及 3 号珍珍(日文原名:白鸟)的立体人形。相当丰富。

アカデミー 科学忍者队 ガッチャマン ゴッドフェニックス
参考售价:45,000 韩元(一般版)
预定发售时间:2020 年 12 月
尺寸:全高约 400mm
15791_god_phoenix_limited2_kor.jpg 15792_god_phoenix2_kor.jpg

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