CSM新品预告(CSM35013)-1/35 一战法国雷诺Type ED装甲车1914年式样封绘板件素组
What a great day to start a pre-order, this time you may add also French figures and PhotEtch set and we will include them into your French Armored Car Modele 1914 kit
ht tp s://ww w.coppersta temodels.com/page/product_info/294/
ht tp s://ww w.coppe rstatemodels.com/page/store/WzUsIls2XSJd
Photo Etch set
ht tps: //ww w.cop perstatemodels.com/page/store/WzUsIlszXSJd
We are expecting plastic to arrive by the end of FEB 2022
CSM新品预告(CSM35013)-1/35 一战法国雷诺Type ED装甲车1914年式样涂装与PE
Here is a list of markings that we are planning for our French Armoured Car Model 1914 (ED). Some of them will be included only with the pre-ordered version of the kit.
Finally, PhotoEtch set is finally ready, made the test and it looks rather ok, check out that frame above the driver`s seat, looks very "up-to-scale"