IBG新品预告(35064)-1/35 意大利 蓝旗亚 3RO卡车-90/53弹药运输车
IBG新品预告(72091)-1/72 日本陆军四式轻战车
IBG新品预告(72521)-1/72 PZL/IAR P.11F
IBG新品预告(72085)-1/72 钻石T 969清障车搭载M2机枪
IBG新品预告(72066)-1/72 英国十字军Mk.I巡航坦克
IBG新品预告(W-014)-1/72 英国A10 Mk.IA巡航坦克
New IBG Models kits - available in the first half of October!
1/35 - 3Ro Italian Truck - 90/53 Ammunition carrier
1/72 - Type 4 Ke-Nu Japanese Light Tank
1/72 - PZL/IAR P.11F Romanian Fighter
1/72 - Diamond T 969 Wrecker with M2 Machine gun and bonus PE set
1/72 - Crusader Mk.I CS - British Close Support Tank
1/72 - WAW - A10 CS - British Close Support Tank