63721 田宫模型杂志第302期​
Tamiya Model Magazine is edited and published in the UK. I am interested in a style that is a little different from Japanese modelers. There are various ways to finish it, such as production examples that incorporate plenty of aftermarket parts, works that assemble the kit in a assembled set and produce a feeling by painting. First of all, you can see how the author is having fun working on it. In addition, it is effective as a text familiar with English because it is attached to a Japanese translation of some articles. No. 302, including the production article that finished tamiya old kit, Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I (1/48) with a real paint, lamborghini limited production car with beautiful lime green eye-catch, Centenario Roadster (1/24), Soviet heavy tank KV-24, which produced a sense of weight in weathering In 1 (1/35), among the German main fighter Messerschmitt Bf109 with many derived types, the G-type [Yellow No. 6] (1/48), which powers up the engine and became the main machine of the latter term, and the production article of the unique two-story military bus, Omnibus (1/35), which was active during World War I, etc. In addition to this, it is one book rich in content that introduced new kit reviews, parts reviews, reference materials, etc. A4 size, 68 pages. 【Article】 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I (1/48), Lamborghini Centenario Roadster (1/24), Soviet Heavy Tank KV-1 1941 Initial Production Car (1/35), Messerschmitt Bf109 G-6 (1/48), B-Type Military Omnibus (1/35) In addition, the kit preview of Porsche 935 Martini (1/12), German Panzer IV F type (1/35), Tornado GR.4 (1/32) was also posted. ★ list of Tamiya model magazine products is here. ★ if you would like to subscribe to The Tamiya Model Magazine
文章:保时捷 935 马丁尼 (1/12)​
文章: 超马林 喷火 Mk.I (1/48)​
文章内容: 苏联重型坦克 KV-1 1941 早期生产车辆 (1/35)
文章内容: 苏联重型坦克 KV-1 1941 早期生产车辆 (1/35)