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Wingsy新品预告-1/48 梅塞施密特 Bf-109E-1/3/4/7埃米尔家族

 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-30 20:16:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 爱神之心Mk.II 于 2021-2-14 17:23 编辑

Wingsy新品预告(D5-07)-1/48 梅塞施密特 Bf 109E-1板件建模更新
Sprue design for Messerschmitt Bf-109E in 1/48.

Friends, preparations for the production of our new Messerschmitt Bf-109E "Emil" are in the active phase. All technological nuances have been specified and, where necessary, adapted to the technological requirements of production. At the moment, the production of molds is in a very hot phase... And we really hope that our next post will be supplemented not with 3D renders, but with real photographs of castings.
At the same time, work is underway on options for painting and marking, assembly instructions, boxart, photo-etching, decals... All those that will advantageously complement our new product and which we will definitely show you in the near future.
We also inform you that Vitaly Barannik is alive and well and sends greetings to you all with best wishes. Please don't worry! there was a misunderstanding, as a result of which his FB account was permanently deleted due to a "collective complaint for the propaganda of Nazism" (we would love to look this "collective" in the eye) on his page. For obvious reasons, recently in his posts there were a lot of photos of Emil in which a swastika was visible.
In conclusion, let me congratulate you all on the upcoming holidays and wish you a peaceful sky, well-being in homes and good health in the upcoming new year 2021.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-15 20:27:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 爱神之心Mk.II 于 2021-2-14 17:22 编辑

Wingsy新品预告(D5-07)-1/48 梅塞施密特 Bf 109E-1 埃米尔涂装
Another stage of preparation for the release of our new Bf-109E-1 in 1/48 has been completed. Unfortunately, we deviated a little from the original plans – according to one prototype, we did not come to an agreement on colors even within the company. As for the second prototype, it was still easier there – we are not ready to be held responsible for the illegal use of the logo of other companies in our products. However, we feel like we’ve achieved some pretty good results, and these four decal options will help you add realism and authenticity to our new “Emils”. Let also once again allow to remind – we do not pretend to “absolute understanding of this issue”, this is only our vision of the situation and how the models collected by you will look like depends only on You… )
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-14 17:29:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 爱神之心Mk.II 于 2021-2-19 11:48 编辑

Wingsy新品预告(D5-07)-1/48 梅塞施密特 Bf 109E-1 埃米尔封绘说明书
Another stage is over. We cannot say that he was the most pleasant, as well as what we have on boxart… But, what happened was what happened. Assembly sheet, painting and marking schemes are also ready. We are waiting for the first casts from the first molds…
Instructions downloadable: https://www.wingsykits.com/wp-co ... /02/D5_07_instr.pdf
Markings & painting schemes downloadable: https://www.wingsykits.com/wp-co ... 021/02/D5_07_cl.pdf
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-3-15 19:59:33 | 显示全部楼层
Wingsy新品预告(D5-07)-1/48 梅塞施密特 Bf 109E-1 埃米尔板件试模
New Wingsy Kits Bf 109 E in 1/48th, work in progress. The first castings from the first molds.

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-8 19:59:02 | 显示全部楼层
Wingsy新品预告(D5-07)-1/48 梅塞施密特 Bf 109E-1 埃米尔板件试模
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-17 18:52:09 | 显示全部楼层
Wingsy新品预告(D5-07)-1/48 梅塞施密特 Bf 109E-1 埃米尔试模素组
In general, finished... In 24 hours, with a 24-hour result. Such a "lp-lap production" )))
Of the pitfalls only the exhaust collector.
It is better to first shorten the front tube and paste the collector in the seat, and then put the etched linings on it. It is much easier and more accurate. I went the other way and after about an hour of dancing with a tambourine I wanted to go to the mirror and spit in it

Otherwise, the assembly will not present difficulties even for beginners (of course under the supervision of an experienced). Even the gag at some stage pulled - specifically did not clean the parts removed from the sprue and glued them as is. For the same reason did not prime, that would be seen how much you will leave putty (in fact laziness was). Travalenka also did not put all, brackets of elerons and flap, thrust of the steering direction, mooring rooms, armored headband can no longer physically deliver - poor with vision and dark, and bent I do not ...
В общем закончил... За 24 часа, с 24-х часовым результатом. Такой себе "Тяп-ляп продакшн" )))
Из подводных камней только выхлопной коллектор.
Лучше сначала укоротить передний патрубок и вклеить коллектор в посадочное место, а уже потом на него ставить травленые накладки. Получиться значительно проще и аккуратнее. Я пошел другим путем и где-то через час пляски с бубном мне хотелось подойти к зеркалу и плюнуть в него

В остальном сборка не представит сложностей даже для начинающих (естественно под присмотром опытного). Даже прикол на каком то этапе потянул - специально не зачищал снятые с литника детали и клеил их как есть. По этой же причине не грунтовал, что бы было видно как много у вас уйдет шпатлевки (на самом деле лениво было). Травленку тоже не всю поставил, кронштейны элеронов и закрылка, тяги руля направления, швартовочные рымы, бронезаголовник уже физически не могу поставить - плохо со зрением и стемнело, да и гнулки у меня нет...
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-17 18:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-17 18:54:07 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you guys for the feedback.
Started the second series. This time I'm not in a hurry, I try not to clap glue, the snump is already shot down and the underwater currents are known.
I decided to look at the collection of the unpubthed wing. Worried for the slats - usually in this place the manufacturers have a big problem ... Here everything is also good, you need to bite the crowns from the upper halves of the wing and a little clean up the places of the sous - the slats is installed as poured without steps and distortions. Channels of radiators, or rather drainers on the flap, also pleased - now the channels are similar to channels ...
I'll even paint this one, but a little later.
Благодарю вас парни за отзывы.
Начал вторую серию. В этот раз не тороплюсь, клеем стараюсь не залапывать, оскомина уже сбита и подводные течения известны.
Решил посмотреть на собираемость нераспушенного крыла. Переживал за предкрылок - обычно в этом месте у производителей большая проблема... Тут все тоже хорошо, нужно скусить кронштеины с верхних половин крыла и немного зачистить места скуса - предкрылок устанавливается как влитой без ступенек и перекосов. Каналы радиаторов, вернее стекатели на закрылке, тоже порадовали - теперь каналы похожи на каналы...
Этот даже покрашу наверное, но чуть позже. IMG_20210414_213418.jpg.d6b354e0de946f56b9713d9018a02585.jpg IMG_20210414_213454.jpg.a3836329ed30cd34a25ce8794aa542c0.jpg IMG_20210414_213533.jpg.41fc6573e8fce84179d4fa4928406a93.jpg IMG_20210416_123306.jpg.151dc4d4538e7c0dc0d64780e8905cf5.jpg IMG_20210416_123323.jpg.f2711e6ff8e4d422bd5f163b593b2d8c.jpg IMG_20210416_123344.jpg.61342e83d6a4feaa01cf37b4aa09caa0.jpg IMG_20210416_123355.jpg.25fb63b385cd7dbf632b90dbd29ed277.jpg IMG_20210416_123431.jpg.efad41a605f425cf900c82fe35e2ebaf.jpg IMG_20210416_123529_1.jpg.6aa9992f945809863bdd3e19b5fe312a.jpg IMG_20210416_123632.jpg.d435cd4ff281da0ac933abd71960a313.jpg IMG_20210416_123730.jpg.20d5073862950bf8eef116cfd5f85fa6.jpg
 楼主| 发表于 2021-5-12 19:13:33 | 显示全部楼层
Wingsy新品预告(D5-08)-1/48 梅塞施密特 Bf 109E-3 埃米尔封绘
Box art - ref. D5-08 - Messerschmit Bf.109E-3 Emil
D5-07 Bf.109E-1即将上市

 楼主| 发表于 2021-5-26 20:39:06 | 显示全部楼层
D5-07 Bf.109E-1已经上市,35美元
https://www.wingsykits.com/produ ... -109-e-1-emil-1-48/
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